About us

Forest, Fauna and Viticulture - In Balance

We consider ourselves as a leading Austrian company with close to nature, mechanical, biological and (chemical) tree and vine protection. We provide our customers the latest technology for a great value, the best quality and all this for a reliable and sustained growth of your plants. Through permanent further development, we especially strive to ensure the health of plants through biological measures.  Customers are seen as equal partners whom we treat with honesty, friendliness and good humour.  Among one another we are respectful, honest, helpful and also when necessary openly critical. Each team member has an economic success role and is ready to work towards that success in an exceptional way. We do not feel bound by standards of the average..

Are you looking for solutions tailored to meet your needs?
Please don't hesitate to contact us – We're looking forward to helping you!

Here is a little insight into the company:


team-peter-witasek576bdef536021Ing. Peter Witasek
Founder and Owner

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230
E-Mail: office@witasek.com




Lukas MaierDI Lukas Maier
Managing Director

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 316
E-Mail: lmaier@witasek.com



Martina WitasekMag. Martina Witasek

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



Lukas LassnigLukas Lassnig

Telefon: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 321
E-Mail: einkauf@witasek.com



Claudia HuberClaudia Huber
Project management

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 325
E-Mail: chuber@witasek.com



Viktoria ButtazoniViktoria Buttazoni
Sales, invoicing

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 326
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



Nadine WollingerNadine Wollinger
Sales, invoicing

Telefon: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 323
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



Andrea SüßenbacherAndrea Süßenbacher

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 327
E-Mail: buchhaltung@witasek.com



Nicole StrießnigNicole Strießnig-Wendler
Marketing & graphic design

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 322
E-Mail: marketing@witasek.com



Axel GasserAxel Gasser

Telefon: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 315
E-Mail: media@witasek.com



Sandra DollinerSandra Dolliner
Development, expert adviser

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 319
E-Mail: technik@witasek.com



Christian KanatschnigChristian Kanatschnig
Warehouse management, expert adviser and
Integrated Manager (IM) for Quality, Environment and Energy

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 218
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



Michael BaderMichael Bader
Logistic, Warehouse

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230
E-Mail: logistik@witasek.com



Andreas LUKASAndreas LUKAS
Warehouse, Customer Service

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



Stefanie PreihslStefanie Preihsl
Marketing, EDV Support and IT

Phone: +43 (0)4276 3230 - 324
E-Mail: office@witasek.com



team_nadine-treffner_web2023Nadine Treffner


